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Template:Infobox Government agency

File:House of Supo.jpg

SUPO head office in Helsinki

The Finnish Security Police (SUPO)[1] (Finnish: Suojelupoliisi, Swedish: Skyddspolisen) are a police force in charge of Finland's national security and are also the country's intelligence agency. The agency's staff is composed of about 200 policemen with additional training. It specializes in preventing security threats and participates in protecting the parliamentary democracy as well as protecting the nation's security interests.

SUPO was formed in 1949 to replace its predecessor, Valtiollinen Poliisi ("State Police") or Valpo. In the aftermath of the Second World War the leadership positions of Valpo had been filled by communists, and some of its activities were found erroneous and illegal by an investigation committee.

The bureau's central duties include counter-terrorism, counter intelligence, preventing internal security threats within the nation, pre-emptive security work and guard work.[1] It also participates in cracking down on international crime and provides expert services for industrial counterintelligence and personal background checks. For example, refugees are investigated by SUPO to determine whether or not they are under persecution in their home country, and Finnish corporations may request assistance in the prevention of industrial espionage.

SUPO does not have special tactical units. These duties are handled by the Karhu Team, the special duties unit of the Finnish police.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Official website of SUPO (in English)

Template:Domestic national intelligence agencies

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